If you want to get whatever's inside this thing, I'm willing to help you out... for a price! Just consider it a one time tax of 50,000 coins. Send the coins to koopakid1998@ccmc.edu and in 4-27.5 business days, the chest will ✨✨✨magically✨✨✨ open up!
NOTE: I am not Koopa Kid that's just a burner email obviously. Calling the police will do NOTHING.
dont look down here i mean it >:(
You think you can figure out how to undo the curse yourself? Heh. Mayyyyyyybe if you were able to even land on a 8, 9, or 10. If you think you're so smart, maybe you could understand Gadd-Kamek Integral Theory. OOooooooo, even that name sounds difficult, doesn't it?
You have to take this math problem, find the answer, then find some way to apply the theorem to the answer. Don't think for a SECOND I'll tell you how the theorem works. That would take like 2 years of math college for you to possibly understand! Better hope you have some kinda robot to do it for you or something. Heh.