<--------- Play the music for the vibes i couldn't figure out how to make it autoplay work sorry :(

BLOGSPOT: Changing Die Faces to Arbitrary Displays

October 22rd, 2022

Dice may seem like pretty magical things on the outside, but when you really look at it, its all just suuuuper complex math. Like if you have a die with 6 sides on it, and you want to find out the chance of not getting three 6s in a row, you have to take the chance of not landing on a 6 and then cube it. Heh, I bet most of you don't even know what cubing means. I'm looking at you, Boom Boom.

But I digress, I found this website that was able to do a similar thing to one of it's dice blocks. I don't remember what the site was called, but I DO remember what the logo looked like. I'll post a professional rendition of it here. If you know where this logo is from, shoot me an email so I can update the page. :)

Seeing this ticked me off though, cause I had no idea how they turned it into the text like they did! It took me two months of deep research to figure it out: I'm 98.3% sure they used a technique called Ally Sum Reduction, taking the sum of a group's numbered die faces, then applying the algorithm to that value.

Of course, they also used the group of Mr. Goody Two-Shoes and his dumb friends. So if I'm going to do this, I would of course base it off all of MY ALLIES. Unfortunately, I think my choice of allies prevents me from displaying a big fancy logo like they did... or even do anything else but the default "TEXT". Still pretty impressive though, no? It's not like I'd even want to change it! Heheh. This will be a great addition to my collection of cursed dice.

-- (Close to Dr.!!) Koopa Kid