<--------- Play the music for the vibes i couldn't figure out how to make it autoplay work sorry :(

FROM THE ARCHIVES: A Rant Against Nepotism

Novemeber 22nd, 2013

NOTE: Digging up an old blog cause it still felt pretty topical today... Crazy how little can change in a decade. I know I'm legally not supposed to put any of this stuff back up, but y'know how I am... screw the law >:)


Anyways, the article, presented in it's original glory. Sorry for any typos, not sorry for anything else.

Blarrrghhhh, I am so freakingggggggggggggggg mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was finally FINALLY invited to the boss's big family get together thing on some island thingy. I would have THE BOSS and HIS CLOSE FAMILY FRIEND and MISTER KAMEK!!!! Sooooooo much going on and there'd also be ME! I've busted my freaking ass for them for so long and I'd finally get some recognition!!!!!! And now I don't>????????????? Cause the boss decided "OH MY SON MY LITTLE BRAT OF A STUPID IDIOT WHO CANT EVEN DRAW WELL SON DESERVES A TICKET. THE ONE WHO HASN'T DONE ONE IMPORTANT THING IN HIS LITTLE ITTY BIT NOTHING LIFETIME????????????????" F%*# YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know how badly I wanted to go and meet your close family friend in the tower at long last! Kamek was even going to use a SUPER COOL SPELL to CREATE AN ENTIRE NEW FLOOR OF A TOWER?! FOR THE FAMILY FRIEND?????? ON THE ISLAND???? You do NOT get to see that everyday BUT I DON'T GET TO SEE IT AT ALL BECAUSE OF THAT STUPID NEPO BABY SON OF HIS TAKING MY TICKET!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you know how much I would like to punch his little punk face into the pavement right now it would be absolutely legendary and everyone would go like "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO koopa kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""" just imagine that. heh, I'm imagining it. ITS AWESOME!!!! G&* I want to QUIT this stupid job of MINE BUT THE JOB MARKET IS SOOOOO BAD grahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. besides I am saving up my money rn to buy a firearm. For self-defense purposes OF COURSE IDIOT NOBODY SMART WOULD THINK ITS FOR ANY OTHER REASON

UPDATE 11/24/13: Reading back on this I got a bit heated (for good reason!!) but I've chilled out a bit. I'm still mad but I don't want to smash the Boss's son into the pavement. Right now anyways. Come join me on League of Legends IGN: KoopaKidRox_4893

P.S. Present Koopa Kid again, remember when I used to name pages based off the date I posted them? This one was originally "november222013.html". Actually, I think we all used to do that back then, heh. Makes sense we don't do that anymore, but I kiiiiinda miss it. Just kinda.