<--------- Play the music for the vibes i couldn't figure out how to make it autoplay work sorry :(

BLOGSPOT: Guess We're Doing Suitcases Now

August 17th, 2024

Note to self, remove extortion bit

I'm sooooooooooo so so so so so SO tired! After spending so much time trying to extort convince Koopa the Quick to give me a some financial help, some kinda swat team came in and arrested him right in front of my eyes! Then they looked at me and were like "you're in a lot of debt, aren't you?".

HOW DID HE EVEN KNOW????????? He was just a freaking Chargin' Chuck. Those guys don't have any social skills. Heh, whatever, I don't dwell on things. Just temporarily remember them.

Anywaysssssssss, you (the reader (you)) are probably wondering why I'm back with yet another blog post. I know, it's been such a long while! I wonder that myself. In my time of tiredness though, some weirdo decided to leave this silver briefcase at my door??? It has the name "Kiyoshi Morikawa" inscribed on it, whoever that could possibly mean. Probably a real dumbass if they're leaving their stuff at my door!

I know it's trendy to call things weird these days, but this is a seriously WEIRD file! Wonder what it's supposed to mean. Maybe it leads to some cash??? Probabilistically, there's like a 37.8% chance it leads to cash. Finally, my degree REALLY comes in useful. If anybody else figures this out first, I call dibs on the prize!

There were some other files in the case, but those are for my eyes only. Stashed away in my top secret stash were nooooobody else can see it unless I say they can see it. End post.

- Dr. Koopa Kid